List of publications
Curriculum Vitae
Showcase in shape optimization
- F. Caubet, C. Conca, M. Dambrine, R. Zelada
How to insulate a pipe ?
- Ch-E Bréhier, M. Dambrine, N. En-Nebbazi
Asymptotic error analysis for stochastic gradient optimization schemes with first and second order modified equations
- M. Dambrine, C. Geiersbach, H. Harbrecht
Two-norm discrepancy and convergence of the stochastic gradient method with application to shape optimization
In revision
- M. Dambrine, G. Gargantini, H. Harbrecht, V. Karnaev
Shape optimization of a thermoelastic body under thermal uncertainties.
univ. Basel
- D. Capatina, F. Caubet, M. Dambrine, R. Zelada
Nitsche extended finite element method of a Ventcel transmission problem with discontinuities at the interface.
- M. Dambrine, G. Gargantini, H. Harbrecht, J. Maynadier
Shape optimization under constraints on the probability of a quadratic functional to exceed a given treshold.
univ. Basel
- F. Caubet, M. Dambrine, J. Dardé
On the penalization by the perimeter in shape optimization applied to Dirichlet inverse obstacle problem
- M. Dambrine, F. Caubet, G. Gargantini, J. Maynadier
Shape optimization of polynomial functionals under uncertainties on the right-hand side of the state equation
- M. Dambrine, F. Caubet, G. Gargantini, J. Maynadier
Shape optimization under a constraint on the worst case scenario
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 46, Iss. 6, 2024.
- M. Dambrine, Ch. Dossal, A. Rondepierre, and B. Puig.
Stochastic differential equations
for modeling first-order optimization methods.
SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol. 34, Iss. 2, 2024.
- M. Dambrine and V. Karnaev.
Robust obstacle reconstruction in an elastic medium.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 29(1) :124-150, 2024.
- M. Dambrine and S. Zerrouq.
Robust inverse homogenization of elastic micro-structures.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 199 :209-232, 2023.
- M. Dambrine, A. Khan, M. Sama, and H.-J. Starkloff.
Stochastic elliptic inverse problems. solvability, convergence rates, discretization, and applications.
Journal of Convex
Analysis, 30 :851-885, 2023.
- M. Dambrine, H. Harbrecht, and B. Puig.
Bernoulli free boundary problems under uncertainty : The convex case.
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 23(2) :333-352, 2023.L
- M. Dambrine, A. Khan, and M. Sama.
A stochastic regularized second-order iterative
scheme for optimal control and inverse problems in stochastic partial differential equations.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A : Mathematical, Physical and
Engineering Sciences, 380(2236), 2022.
- F. Caubet, M. Dambrine and R. Mahadevan.
Shape derivatives of eigenvalues for mixture problems: Computing the semi-derivative of a minimum.
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 86(1), 2022.
- F. Caubet, M. Dambrine and R. Mahadevan.
Shape Derivative for Some Eigenvalue Functionals in Elasticity Theory.
SIAM J. Control Optim., 59(2), 1218-1245, 2021.
- M.Dambrine, V. Bonnaillie-Noël, M. Dalla Riva and P. Musolino.
Global representation and multi-scale expansion for the Dirichlet problem in a domain with a small hole close to the boundary.
Communications in Partial Differential Equations
Volume 46,Pages 282-309, 2021.
- M. Dambrine, B. Puig, and G. Vallet.
A mathematical model for marine dinoflagellates blooms.
DCDS-S Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S, doi: 10.3934/dcdss.2020424
- M. Dambrine and H. Harbrecht
Shape optimization for composite materials and scaffold structures.
SIAM Multiscale Model. Simul., 18(2), 1136-1152, 2020.
- M. Dambrine and B. Puig
Oriented distance point of view on random sets with application to shape optimization.
ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations, 26 (2020).
- M. Dambrine, H. Harbrecht and B. Puig
Incorporating knowledge on the measurement noise in electrical impedance tomography.
ESAIM: Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations, 25 (2019).
- M. Dambrine and J. Lamboley.
Stability in shape optimization with second variation.
Journal of Differential Equations, 267(5) :3009-3045, 2019.
- F. Caubet, M. Dambrine, and H. Harbrecht.
A new method for the data completion problem and application to obstacle detection.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics,79(1) :415-435, 2019.
- V. Bonnaillie-Noël, M. Dalla Riva, M. Dambrine, and P. Musolino.
A Dirichlet problem for the Laplace operator in a domain with a small hole close to the boundary.
Journal des Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 116 :211-267, 2018.
- M. Dambrine, I. Greff, H. Harbrecht, and B. Puig.
Numerical solution of the homogeneous Neumann boundary value problem on domains with a thin layer of random thickness.
Journal of Computational Physics, 330 :943-959, 2017.
- M. Dambrine, H. Harbrecht, M.D. Peters, and B. Puig.
On Bernoulli's free boundary problem with a random boundary.
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 7(4) :335-353, 2017.
- C. Conca, M. Dambrine, R. Mahadevan, and D. Quintero.
Minimization of the groundstate of the mixture of two conducting materials in a small contrast regime.
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 39(13) :3549-3564, 2016.
- M. Dambrine and A. Laurain.
A first order approach for worst-case shape optimization of the compliance for a mixture in the low contrast regime.
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 54(2) :215-231, 2016.
- L. Barbet, M. Dambrine, A. Daniilidis, and L. Rifford.
Sard theorems for Lipschitz functions and applications in optimization.
Israel Journal of Mathematics,212(2) :757-790, 2016.
- M. Dambrine, D. Kateb, and J. Lamboley.
An extremal eigenvalue problem for the Wentzell-Laplace operator.
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Linéaire, 33(2) :409-450, 2016.
- V. Bonnaillie-Noël, M. Dambrine, and C. Lacave.
Interactions between moderately close inclusions for the two-dimensional Dirichlet-Laplacian.
Applied Mathematics Research eXpress, 2016(1) :1-23, 2016.17
- M. Dambrine, I. Greff, H. Harbrecht, and B. Puig.
Numerical solution of the Poisson equation on domains with a thin layer of random thickness.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 54(2) :921-941, 2016.
- M. Dambrine, H. Harbrecht, and B. Puig.
Computing quantities of interest for random domains with second order shape sensitivity analysis.
ESAIM : Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 49(5) :1285-1302, 2015.
- M. Dambrine, C. Dapogny, and H. Harbrecht.
Shape optimization for quadratic functionals and states with random right-hand sides.
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 53(5) :3081-3103, 2015.
- V. Bonnaillie-Noël, M. Dambrine, F. Hérau, and G. Vial.
Artificial conditions for the linear elasticity equations.
Mathematics of Computation, 84(294) :1599-1632, 2015.
- F. Caubet, M. Dambrine, and D. Kateb.
Shape optimization methods for the inverse obstacle problem with generalized impedance boundary conditions.
Inverse Problems, 29(11), 2013.
- V. Bonnaillie-Noël and M. Dambrine.
Interactions between moderately close circular inclusions : The Dirichlet-Laplace equation in the plane.
Asymptotic Analysis, 84(3-4) :197-227, 2013.
- F. Caubet and M. Dambrine.
Stability of critical shapes for the drag minimization problem in Stokes flow.
Journal des Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 100(3) :327-346, 2013.
- L. Barbet, M. Dambrine, and A. Daniilidis.
The Morse-Sard theorem for Clarke critical values.
Advances in Mathematics, 242 :217-227, 2013.
- F. Caubet, M. Dambrine, D. Kateb, and C.Z. Timimoun.
A Kohn-Vogelius formulation to detect an obstacle immersed in a fluid.
Inverse Problems and Imaging,7(1) :123-157, 2013.
- F. Caubet and M. Dambrine.
Localization of small obstacles in Stokes flow.
Inverse Problems, 28(10), 2012.
- M. Dambrine and D. Kateb.
Persistency of wellposedness of Ventcel's boundary value problem under shape deformations.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 394(1) :129-138, 2012.
- C. Amrouche, M. Dambrine, and Y. Raudin.
An Lp theory of linear elasticity in the half-space.
Journal of Differential Equations, 253(3) :906-932, 2012.
- J.P. Boufflet, M. Dambrine, G. Dupire, and P. Villon.
On the necessity of Nitsche term. Part ii : An alternative approach.
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 62(5) :521-535,2012.
- V. Bonnaillie-Noël, D. Brancherie, M. Dambrine, and G. Vial.
Artificial boundary conditions to compute correctors in linear elasticity.
Numerical Analysis and Applications, 5(2) :129-135, 2012.
- M. Badra, F. Caubet, and M. Dambrine.
Detecting an obstacle immersed in a fluid by shape optimization methods.
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences,21(10) :2069-2101, 2011.
- M. Dambrine and D. Kateb.
On the shape sensitivity of the first Dirichlet eigenvalue for two-phase problems.
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 63(1) :45-74, 2011.
- G. Dupire, J.P. Boufflet, M. Dambrine, and P. Villon.
On the necessity of Nitsche term.
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 60(9) :888-902, 2010.
- M. Dambrine and D. Kateb.
On the ersatz material approximation in level-set methods.
ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 16(3) :618-634,2010.
- V. Bonnaillie-Noël, M. Dambrine, F. Hérau, and G. Vial.
On generalized Ventcel'stype boundary conditions for Laplace operator in a bounded domain.
SIAM Journalon Mathematical Analysis, 42(2) :931-945, 2010.
- V. Bonnaillie-Noël, D. Brancherie, M. Dambrine, S. Tordeux, and G. Vial.
Effect of micro-defects on structure failure : Coupling asymptotic analysis and strong discontinuity.
European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 19(1-3) :165-175, 2010.
- V. Bonnaillie-Noël, M. Dambrine, S. Tordeux, and G. Vial.
Interactions between moderately close inclusions for the Laplace equation.
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 19(10) :1853-1882, 2009.
- L. Afraites, M. Dambrine, and D. Kateb.
On second order shape optimization methods for electrical impedance tomography.
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,47(3) :1556-1590, 2008.
- M. Dambrine and D. Kateb.
A remark on precomposition on H1/2(S1) and epsilon-identifiability of disks in tomography.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 337(1) :594-616, 2008.
- D. Brancherie, M. Dambrine, G. Vial, and P. Villon.
Effect of surface defects on structure failure : A two-scale approach.
European Journal of Computational Mechanics,17(5-7) :613-624, 2008.
- L. Afraites, M. Dambrine, K. Eppler, and D. Kateb.
Detecting perfectly insulatedobstacles by shape optimization techniques of order two.
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 8(2) :389-416, 2007.
- L. Afraites, M. Dambrine, and D. Kateb.
Shape methods for the transmission problem with a single measurement.
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 28(5-6) :519-551, 2007.
- M. Dambrine and G. Vial.
A multiscale correction method for local singular perturbations of the boundary.
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 41(1) :111-127, 2007.
- M. Dambrine and D. Kateb.
Conformal mapping and inverse conductivity problem with one measurement.
ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations,13(1) :163-177, 2007.
- V. Bonnaillie-Noël, M. Dambrine, S. Tordeux, and G. Vial.
On moderately close inclusions for the Laplace equation.
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 345(11) :609-614,2007.
- M. Dambrine and G. Vial.
Influence of a boundary perforation on the Dirichlet energy.
Control and Cybernetics, 34(1) :117-136, 2005.
- M. Dambrine, J. Sokolowski, and A. Zochowski.
On stability analysis in shape optimisation : Critical shapes for Neumann problem.
Control and Cybernetics, 32(3 SPEC.ISS.) :503-528, 2003..
- Marc Dambrine.
On variations of the shape Hessian and sufficient conditions for thestability of critical shapes.
RACSAM. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas FÃÂs. Nat. Ser. AMat., 96(1) :95-121, 2002.
- M. Dambrine and M. Pierre.
About stability of equilibrium shapes.
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 34(4) :811-834, 2000.