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Showcase: shape optimisation calculations

The aim here is to optimise a mechanical structure subjected to random loading. The objective is to reduce the volume of the structure under a constraint (in the sense of optimisation) on the mechanical stresses (typically the work of the forces exerted or the Van Mises (mechanical) stresses. This work was carried out during G. Gargantini's thesis with Safran Helicopter Engines.

Constraints on the moments of the mechanical criterion

The article presenting and studying the model Shape Optimization of Polynomial Functionals under Uncertainties on the Right-Hand Side of the State Equation

Constraints on the worst-case mechanical criterion

The article presenting and studying the model
  • M. Dambrine, F. Caubet, G. Gargantini, J. Maynadier
    Shape optimization under a constraint on the worst case scenario
    SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 46, Iss. 6, 2024. HAL
    We propose two methods in this work to answer this question.
    Initial geometry: top viewfigcaption>
    Initial geometry: bottom view

    After optimization:
    Multi-loading method
    Sub-gradient method

    Constraints on the level of risk of exceeding the mechanical criterion

    The article presenting and studying the model Shape optimization under constraints on the probability of a quadratic functional to exceed a given threshold